You Can Build...

Spacekill is a Development Platform for Web3 Games

Built on Spacekill

Halbrick East Side Games

Build on spacekill

Single tenant, multi tenant, drag-and-drop game server features, and more!

A Selection of Games on spacekill

Build Games That Players Love

Get everything you need to give players a live gaming experience that will keep them coming back for years (not days).

LiveOps Portal

Web-based admin portal for all your LiveOps, customer support, and game management tasks.

Explore the Portal

Serverless Game Backend

Build a game server without needing to run a game server using simple C# scripting and a Mongo cloud datastore.

Explore the C# Backend

Made for Unity Developers

Fully-integrated tooling for Unity with C# SDK, addressables, scriptable opbjects, and prefabs.

Explore our Unity SDK

Made for Unreal Developers

Fully-integrated tooling for Unreal with C++ SDK and Blue Prints support

Explore our Unreal SDK

Welcome to Easy Mode

When creating Live Games, you don’t just have to be an expert at building the fun—you also have to take on all the underlying server infrastructure and game architecture to power social, connected content-driven experiences. But with Spacekill, you don’t have to go it alone.

Download Our Technical Whitepaper

Learn how the game platform Spacekill, with one line of code, enables integrated, full-stack LiveOps for your Unity or Unreal game.

Download the Whitepaper

Ready to Start Building with Spacekill?

Download one of our developer SDKs and give spacekill a try—let’s start bringing your game ideas to life.